
Now it is time to take all the hard questions and find the thread that connects them. The prompts would be a working model to then create an un-résumé.

Most importantly you are trying to hit a semiotic home run. Something that connects your skills with the format you chose or shines your capabilities. Show don’t tell.

Some examples:

  • Choosing to create a coloring book un-resume would show you help de-stress people.

  • A baseball card is semiotic of how you work in a team.

We are aware that there are certain boundaries to work within the current system. Some of those BOUNDARIES may include:

  • Must be transmittable by email

  • Should probably be Word- and PDF-compatible

  • Not to exceed one page (some portion of this must be one shareable page)

  • Reasonable margins and type sizes

  • Not more than two typefaces

  • Must clearly show your name and contact info

Other Resources: Vocabulary for “Soft Skills” in the An Encyclopedia of Real Skills section of Seth’s Blog.

We provide a handful of inspirations but the possibilities are endless.

We provide a handful of inspirations but the possibilities are endless.


Decision Tree


Which emotion am I from Pixar’s Inside Out?


A Fish Bone Diagram

Assembly Instructions


Coloring Book/Page


Your “Secret Sauce” Recipe

Dating App Profile


A “Treasure Map” that shows how you got to where you are (vs a linear list).


Personality Comparison to Favorite Characters

Podcast Series on the field you want to be hired.


A day in the life blog.


A Cartoon


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