Now it is time to take all the hard questions and find the thread that connects them. The prompts would be a working model to then create an un-résumé.
Most importantly you are trying to hit a semiotic home run. Something that connects your skills with the format you chose or shines your capabilities. Show don’t tell.
Some examples:
Choosing to create a coloring book un-resume would show you help de-stress people.
A baseball card is semiotic of how you work in a team.
We are aware that there are certain boundaries to work within the current system. Some of those BOUNDARIES may include:
Must be transmittable by email
Should probably be Word- and PDF-compatible
Not to exceed one page (some portion of this must be one shareable page)
Reasonable margins and type sizes
Not more than two typefaces
Must clearly show your name and contact info
Other Resources: Vocabulary for “Soft Skills” in the An Encyclopedia of Real Skills section of Seth’s Blog.
We provide a handful of inspirations but the possibilities are endless.